Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Time moves forward like a
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Being Sick
Being sick is like going on a little trip.
It seems like you are your ordinary reality, but because you are in a different state of consciousness, you are slightly out of phase with things.
You may stay home from work and lay in bed. From this position, you will notice different qualities of light entering your bedroom, because normally when this happens, you are in a different building. Even if you happened to be home, (say, on a Saturday) you probably wouldn't notice something like this, because you would be in your bedroom for a brief period, or for some reason or other.
When you are sick, it is best not to think too much about work-related things, as this tends to agitate the body and prolong the amount of time it takes to recuperate. At a certain point, it is OK to "give in" and just be sick for a while. Resistance takes up too much energy.
I like to look at times of illness as an opportunity to think different thoughts. When I recognize that I am getting cranky and irratible, the result of trying to "resist" the oncoming illness, I will do my best to clear my schedule and retreat into my bedroom.
Sometimes when you are sick, little thoughts that don't make as much commotion as work-related thoughts have a chance to rise to the surface.
Sometimes when you are sick, you notice the passage of time differently.
There is a secret seed of possibility locked inside all experiences, I think.
Christmas 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Outlaw Rickshaw? Pshaw!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Tiffany Human
Please hold for the next available HP Pre-Sales Chat Representative.
Chat InformationHello, you are now chatting with Keith.
Keith: Hello and welcome. To make sure I get you to the best Sales Consultant for your solution, please tell me about how we can help you today?
you: hello
you: color
you: laser
you: fax
Keith: Do you already have this product or are you looking for assistance before you purchase?
you: what kind of deals do you have on something that won't be awful
you: I have a black and white laser
you: three all in onesd
you: 3 officejet 4215
you: need duplex
you: would like duplex
you: need something that will take heavier paper and not jam
Keith: Just to clarify, are you looking to purchase a color laserjet all in one model?
you: need laser because your colorjet is too expensive
you: hello
you: you are not making sense
you: laser. color. preferably with fax and copy capability. yes
Keith: Okay.
you: hello
Keith: Are you looking for a solution for yourself personally, your company or is this something you will be reselling?
you: company
Keith: Thank you for your patience. I am now ready to transfer your chat to a sales consultant that specializes in those products. Would that be okay?
you: yes
Chat InformationYour Chat is currently being transferred. Please give our Consultant a moment to review your transcript.
Chat InformationHello, you are now chatting with Tiffany R..
Tiffany R.: Hello, please allow me a moment to review what you've said so far.
you: is there a place where i can compare laser jets
you: not bubble jets
Tiffany R.: We do have a great selection of printers that are top rated.
Tiffany R.: Do you mind if I ask you a few questions to ensure the right solution?
you: um, yes i know
you: please
Tiffany R.: Please tell me more about what you are printing and how you will use the print outs?
you: We print a great deal of small-run marketing info, double sided. mail merged
you: color and black and white
Tiffany R.: What is the largest paper size this machine will need to handle for you? (i.e. Letter, Legal, Tabloid (11x17), etc.)
you: 8.5 X 11
Tiffany R.: Besides the standard multipurpose (manual bypass) tray, how many dedicated input trays would you like? (i.e. for different paper sizes, letterhead, stationery, etc.)
you: unless 11 x 17 is fabulously cheap
you: one tray is fine
you: we are small
you: very
Tiffany R.: In our laserjet printers they are pretty expensive for 11x17.
Tiffany R.: Would you like to save on paper costs by being able to automatically print on both sides of a page (Duplexing)?
you: yes
Tiffany R.: Will this printer be connected directly to a network or just a single computer?
you: are you really a live person?
Tiffany R.: Yes, I sure am
Tiffany R.: We are in Colorado Springs
you: really
Tiffany R.: Yes
you: I need a printer that can duplex, hook to my network and teach me guitar.
Tiffany R.: Is there anything else that is important to your printing needs that we have not covered?
you: I believe that we have covered
you: everything
Tiffany R.: Excellent!
you: yes
you: it is very good
Tiffany R.: I would recommend the Color LaserJet 2840 all in one for your printing needs.
Tiffany R.: The Color LaserJet 2800 AiO Series can produce professional, high-quality color documents, scan and/or copy documents and images, view, enhance and manage digital images, and easily incorporate digital images into business documents. Fast 33.6 kbps fax capabilities are available in the Color LaserJet 2840 AiO.
you: wow you type fast.
you: I'm sure glad you're a real person.
Tiffany R.: Its a job requirment!!
you: holy crap, you are real! you just misspelled requirement
you: I thought you were an expert system
Tiffany R.: Yes, I'm very human
you: what did you eat for lunch
Tiffany R.: I had fish!
you: what coupons or deals can I find that will enable me to buy this 2800 for the best price.
you: Chinese
Tiffany R.: Let me check the price
you: I miss Carly Fiorina
you: Maybe if I had purchased my printer earlier, she would still be at HP?
you: Then again, maybe not.
Tiffany R.: The 2840 all in one is $899!
you: Stand by while I froogle that.
Tiffany R.: When you purchase eligible products through chat, we offer a 30 day return policy. If you are not happy with the product, you may return it for a full refund, less shipping charges. This means no hassles and no restocking fees!
you: Home> Printers > All-n-one Printers HP COLOR LASERJET 2840 AIO ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER - Q3950A#ABA See Full Description Item is brand new and in Stock Usually ships in 1-2 Business Days 2 million satisfied customers since 1993 13 years of internet sales 100% customer satisfaction guarantee All items factory fresh with a full USA warranty 30 day money back guarantee HP Color LaserJet 2840 AIO All-In-One Printer - Q3950A#ABA,Q3950AABA,Q3950A,PRINTERS,printers,Printers,best price PRINTERS,low price PRINTERS,best PRINTERS,#1 PRINTERS,All-N-One Printers,ALL-N-ONE PRINTERS,all-n-one printers,All-n-one Printers,best price All-N-One Printers,low price All-N-One Printers,best All-N-One Printers,#1 All-N-One Printers,Laser Printers,LASER PRINTERS,laser printers,best price Laser Printers,low price Laser Printers,best Laser Printers,#1 Laser Printers,Hewlett Packard,HEWLETT PACKARD,hewlett packard,best price Hewlett Packard,low price Hewlett Packard,best Hewlett Packard,#1 Hewlett Packard,HP2840-Q3950A Selling Elsewhere for : $999.99 Our Price Only: $759.99 Average Customer Rating: 4 Star Review 3.71 out of 5 Read Reviews Tell a FriendTell a friend printer friendly version Now Accepting PayPal FEATURED ACCESSORIES WARRANTIES Mack Extended Warranty 3 Year $19.99
you: oops
you: sorry
you: hello
Tiffany R.: Yes, I'm still here with you.
Tiffany R.: That is a great price, we are not able to compete on pricing.
you: I need to go look at this model on your site: can you send URL?
Tiffany R.: Sure, just one momnet
Tiffany R.:
Tiffany R.: I will stand by while you review
you: you are a kind human
Tiffany R.: Thanks so much!
you: What is the heaviest weight of paper this printer can use.
Tiffany R.: It can handle up to 47 lbs bond in the trays and up to 90 lbs index through the manual tray.
you: The 2840 is a sweet machine
Tiffany R.: I agree!
you: You should give me a big discount because I own 3 4215's and one laserjet 4
Tiffany R.: I would trust me.
you: plus i'm a human, just like you!
you: You would trust yourself?
Tiffany R.: Let me check with my manger.
you: Are you sure that's wise?
Tiffany R.: Just one moment!
you: okey dokey
you: no problem
you: I've got all day.
you: zzzzzzzzzzz
you: z
you: zzzzz
Tiffany R.: The best that i can do is give you 3% off so that would make the cost $872.03.
you: Hmm... You were able to discuss the intricacies of my situation with your manager-- the fact that I own 4 HP printers, PLUS the fact that I'm a human in less than 30 seconds?
you: You are a robot!
you: Hang on one sec.
Tiffany R.: My manger sits right next to me that;s why it was fast.
you: Will you throw in the 2 year extended warranty?
you: please!
you: please!
Tiffany R.: I would not be able to do that, it does come standard with a 1 year Global 1 Year On-Site
you: sweet
you: which means I get free toner all year, right?
you: just kiddintg
you: but I'll take it if you've got it.
you: I don't have a manager.
Tiffany R.: I would be happy to help you with the order.
you: I'll bet!
you: 872 for the
Tiffany R.: + tax
you: no tax in oregon
Tiffany R.: Then excellent!
Tiffany R.: It will be $872.03 total
Tiffany R.: Would you like to continue with an order.
you: i'm not sure-- probably should check out xerox so i don't get buyer's remorse
you: I need to buy today though.
Tiffany R.: The best way to get back in contact with me is to come back into chat at and ask for Tiffany R or I can be reached through email at
you: Ok thanks
you: bye
Tiffany R.: You're very welcome. After our chat, a short survey should pop up. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on how I chatted with you today. When you are ready, please click on the "close" button to end our chat and receive the survey. Thank you for visiting HP Chat and I hope you have a wonderful day!
you: how do i print this chat so i can save this?
Tiffany R.: When you take the survey there will be a box that you can have a copy e-mailed to you.
Tiffany R.: Is there anything else that you need?
you: I think I can get 10% off if I sign up for officemax card
you: no i'm good.
Tiffany R.: have a great night!
you: you were very helpful
you: you too
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Make money. Escape your cubicle. Do cool stuff. This is going to be the next thing. I can sort of semi-guarantee this with certain caveats, provisos and disclaimers. This is NOT easy money or multi-level Amawayawaying. This is niche marketing for people who know what the word means, or know how to look stuff up.
Propaganda for OrangeFractal
Check it out.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Million Dollar Houses
I did some calculations based on my experience as loan officer. Lending guidelines were from First Horizon.
Here is the summary of what is required:
The approximate minimum requirements for the purchase of a house valued at $1.25 M are as follows :
1 Yearly income $320,000, verified by CPA or attorney for prior 2 years.
2 $ 142,328 in cash. includes pre-paids, down payment, 6 months verifiable reserves, etc.
3 Credit Score: 700 or higher 680 may be possible, but more out of pocket and interest expense.
4 Not much other debt!
Less than 1500 in other monthly debt payments (not including present house, which it is assumed would be paid off) You need to have less than 45% DTI, and less than this max would be preferable.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Monday, August 21, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Are you still on that bus.
Saw this lot filled with really old city buses, some of them with the boom on the roof that must have once connected to an overhead power supply.
Seen Distantly
What odd connections one finds between people! Felt out of sorts this afternoon, the way I do when I have a fight with my wife. Couldn't put my finger on the cause. Later, I talked with my secretary and she was having the same unsettled feelings.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Signal Propagation
I don't know how well this will come out, but I thought that it was interesting that the author's message continues to broadcast beyond her or his intended recipient.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Tomorrow's assignment
Name of favorite bicuspid?
Approximate level of approximation given when answering questions of this nature? (Be specific.)
Do you believe in the existence of "matter", "space", "time" and "energy"?
What is the purpose of meaning?
Did you ever see an object on the ground, say, for instance, an old rusty paperclip; and did you wonder if you would change the course of your future reality or that of any other being on this planet if you ever so slightly moved this object to the left?
Or did this consume you with a mind-numbing fear of taking action?
List of current psycho-active substances:
Thank you.
Is the triangle formed by segments AB BC CA the smallest shape possible that intersects these points?
Wouldn't a circle intersecting these three points be the largest shape possible?
No, because you could have a polygon with N sides, only two of which need to to pickup points A, B and C. Bastards!
Is a circle really a polygon with infinite edges? Pilar says it depends on whether a segment can be one point in length.
I don't think it can. I think that is prohibited by the whole thing about a line being shortest distance between two points. Bastards!
But what if the two points are immediately adjacent to one another?
I mean, sure, there are infinite points on any line segment, but each one must have a next-door neighbor.
So couldn't a circle just be a polygon with infinite edges formed by immediately adjacent points?
On the sub-nanoscopic scale, each portion of a circle might look something like this:
The main difference, of course, is that this slight difference in angle would be very, very, very tiny. I have exaggerated the angle it by many powers!
Every point on every circle mirrors the angle of both of its neighbors' OTHER next door neighbor. This is another way of saying that they share the same slope, I suppose.
We will return to this fascinating subject tomorrow.
For homework, please write in your blogs what today's inquiry means to your interior life. In your relationships, are there angles of incidence and reflection? In your cosmos, can you predict the movement of other beings by plotting their angles of right ascension and declination?
Ptolemy dedicated his work to studying "those things that always remain what they are"; to what do you dedicate your attention?
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
A Different Way Today
I seemed to go a different direction. Instead of my usual judgementalism or whatever you want to call it, I heartily approved of everyone around me. I do not know why. I was in a McDonalds when it happened. It felt very light and refreshing, like the way DIET PEPSI CLAIMS to be. Later, as I drove through the meth-industrial ghetto of Oak Grove, I didn't have my usual dream of razing most of the dilapidated structures and replacing them with my own shining vision (something evocative of a paper I once read on economic clustering phenomena made me think that Oak Grove was ripe for: a hub of web application and etail developers merged with singer-songwriter musical entrepreneurship... But first we had to tear down the evil store and convince Powell's and McMenamin's to move in.)
No, instead of my usual daydream of urban renewal and economic grandeur for my adopted hamlet, I felt only a profound Taoist detatchment from my past desires. Meth people are no problem, nor is bureaucratic inertia in Clackamas County. Oak Grove was fine. I was fine. I stopped resisting and finally began to approve of thhe reality I found myself in.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Received this in my email today
factual melodrama snoop
I recently had an argument about why time is relative. My friend found it hard to conceive how time could not be absolute. At that time, when I tried to explain it, I found that it was hard for me see WHY time really is relative. All I could do was state experimental results that indicate it is the case. This shows that thinking you can understand a deep concept at a very shallow, philosophical level doesn't really mean much, but at least it's better than no understanding at all. binge
Newton's laws put an end to the idea of absolute motion. Two people playing ping pong on a moving train would measure the distance the ball bounces on the table (between consequecutive bounce) as lesser than a person standing along the track watching the ball bounce. Both measurements are equally valid since there is no absolute standard of rest. lubricity
Maxwell's equations predicted that light waves travel at a fixed speed. This is something we have to believe, and it arises out of the fact that his equations predicted "there would be wavelike disturbances in the combined electromagnetic field, and that these would travel at a fixed speed, like ripples on a pond." spook
description antimony gratuity
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Appears to be acrylic on some kind of masonry. It is located inside the north entrance of 6400 International Way in Milwaukie. (The big new office building you can see from 224.)
I didn't have time to adjust orientation of photo: blue section should be at lower left of frame.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Much of the time we spend alone
Took this picture at the beginning of that strange morning I spent walking in his footsteps.
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HDR: Baseball Trophy 2
OK, I'm afraid of being one of those parents who psychobabbles over his children's accomplishments. It's just amazing to have a kid who likes and excels at playing team sports. I won't say much more. Anyone who has watched him play knows what I'm talking about.
Hunter & I agree that C is the most improved player. I wish I had a picture that showed his smile better. HE didn't hit much at all until right near the end. A really nice kid... Always smiling.
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M friend of H
This is the girl on Hunter's T Ball team that he really likes. She's a good player. One time when we had her over at the field for a play date with Hunter, she threw the ball to me when I wasn't looking and hit me in the side of the head.
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Mr. B
MR.B has a beautiful swing, and a very tiny strike zone. When he connects, the ball goes far.
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T Ball Party at Round Table
G was a bit crazy, but this freshman T baller from Oak Grove, OR had excellent form at the plate. My favorite moment with G: one time she was playing in the outfield, noy paying much attention, and I said, "Hey! Want to play baseball?" She said, "No, I want to get a Sno-Cone!"
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A sign from Jahweh?
Just happened to look down after I stopped at 7-11 for some drinks. Mystical.
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
What the world needs now

Why spend valuable time and resources generating tortured language for business. A clever Web 2.0 enginner has put together a brilliant "Bullshit Generator".
Click here: BS
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
Thursday, June 08, 2006
The ancient ones
wrote of a dark knowing.
"Dim your lights and merge with the dust."
Aimlessly, they moved among the people, a blessing to the good and
evil among men. Their way was unplanned and aimless, yet they took great care in everything they didm "like those crossing an icy stream in winter." When the times were ill-favored, they removed themselves in silence, like melting snow."
To attempt is to not understand:
deep knowing requires stillness.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Google SMS for Cretins
This is some cool shit. Now you can query Google's servers from your cell phone. Hours of fun for those of you who were always hoping for.
D destination yields directions
T word language translates stuff
C (c((sqrt -4)/2) *m)^2
which I believe translates to what we could do if we used our imagination.
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