Being sick is like going on a little trip.
It seems like you are your ordinary reality, but because you are in a different state of consciousness, you are slightly out of phase with things.
You may stay home from work and lay in bed. From this position, you will notice different qualities of light entering your bedroom, because normally when this happens, you are in a different building. Even if you happened to be home, (say, on a Saturday) you probably wouldn't notice something like this, because you would be in your bedroom for a brief period, or for some reason or other.
When you are sick, it is best not to think too much about work-related things, as this tends to agitate the body and prolong the amount of time it takes to recuperate. At a certain point, it is OK to "give in" and just be sick for a while. Resistance takes up too much energy.
I like to look at times of illness as an opportunity to think different thoughts. When I recognize that I am getting cranky and irratible, the result of trying to "resist" the oncoming illness, I will do my best to clear my schedule and retreat into my bedroom.
Sometimes when you are sick, little thoughts that don't make as much commotion as work-related thoughts have a chance to rise to the surface.
Sometimes when you are sick, you notice the passage of time differently.
There is a secret seed of possibility locked inside all experiences, I think.