Friday, February 05, 2010
Walking down to the river this morning, I had this feeling that everything is going to be OK. There is this little stream that runs down the hill at the steep part. I was looking at the sunlight on the water going down and I had this epiphany. It reminded me of a dream I had that was exactly the same in that visual detail. My intuition is... It has something to do with how everything is futile yet beautiful at the same time. It's all just passing away... and that's just what needs to happen. Trying to make sense of things... is just so much thrashing about. What is, is enough. Pain comes from some kind of rootedness to a notion of outcomes. Better to get your root down in some sort of work or practice that makes sense for you. Watch the birds and the water and the trees. No more big dreams. It's enough to keep the hummingbird feeder full and the kitchen counter clean.