
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sunset sense of loss

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Found integer. Answers to the name Eleven. Oak Grove area.

Found Object

Found this baby tree on the sidewalk when I was walking home from work.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Think i need to wash my car. plants are growing on it!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


On the way to work this morning, I noticed all the earthworms and slugs were headed north.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sunday, February 07, 2010

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Does anything bother me?

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Valentine's Day Song

OK the words really don't mean anything. Just seemed to go with the tune. I liked how the piano bit sounded: LISTEN

Play the piano like a drum

Pretty lame vocals, but I had fun with the piano. LISTEN

Creche Diorama

Do you see the people surrounding the baby in the manger?

telephound art

I see a vision of a creche in the bottom center of this image.

Happy Waitangi Day

Shout out to all my Kiwi readers.

Friday, February 05, 2010


Walking down to the river this morning, I had this feeling that everything is going to be OK. There is this little stream that runs down the hill at the steep part. I was looking at the sunlight on the water going down and I had this epiphany. It reminded me of a dream I had that was exactly the same in that visual detail. My intuition is... It has something to do with how everything is futile yet beautiful at the same time. It's all just passing away... and that's just what needs to happen. Trying to make sense of things... is just so much thrashing about. What is, is enough. Pain comes from some kind of rootedness to a notion of outcomes. Better to get your root down in some sort of work or practice that makes sense for you. Watch the birds and the water and the trees. No more big dreams. It's enough to keep the hummingbird feeder full and the kitchen counter clean.

Olivia says this looks like art.

Bees are back!

Thursday, February 04, 2010

I just like this picture. It's an old abandoned rail bed in Lake Oswego. Picture is turn of the century.

The boys of Oak Grove

Oregon Iron Foundry

This used to be right across the river from us. I think it is just a bit north of the boat ramp in Oak Grove.

Oak Grove Girls


Hunter comes in and wants to know if he can take some kid who is lost home. I go outside, and sure enough-- there's a little boy in the middle of the lawn. He's standing barefoot in the rain, crying. We ask him where he lives, and he starts walking down Laurie Ave. We ask him questions, but all he says is "Baba is gone." We get to the end of the street where he says he lives... he opens the door and goes in, so Hunter and I follow to see if anybody is at home. Some 20 year old dude comes out of the back room. It smells like dog crap a little. There is a dog crate in the living room. I see a dachsund waddling around.
"Is this your kid?"
"My cousin's" says the young man.
"Um... well we found him wandering down the street so we brought him back."
"Oh? Ok."
It seems like we've reached the logical conclusion to whatever conversation we're going to have, so we head back out the door. As we're leaving, a guy pulls up in a SUV, so I stop to explain who we are and what we're doing. He seems pissed at the young guy, who he refers to as his nephew. He wants to know where we found him, so we go though the story again.

Classical Music

Next time you're near a radio, listen to some classical music. The endings are hysterically funny. All that fanfare. All that drama. I picture a guy in short pants and a ruffled shirt jumping out and saying: "Ta dah!"

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Spaces in the rain

Read an interesting description of a ghost: raindrops falling in a different way. It gives one pause.

Monday, February 01, 2010