I've been on the fence for months now about whether or not to buy a new machine. Figured there would be some kind of price rollback on Apple's ridiculously over-priced machines. Sure enough, they announced it the other day $100 off. Laptops only. No mention of teh Imac I had my eye on.
Meanwhile, I'm getting used to Linux... just need to solve this little pesky problem with video. Will probably burn an image of the Gutsy Gibbon and do a fresh install on this laptop one more time. Maybe I don't even need a new machine. If that doesn't work, then I'll see how much processing power I can buy with my $1000. My bet? Can probably get an Intel quad core with dual 500g sata drives, 4 gb ram, plus Windows Vista Business, plus graphics card, dual monitor capabilities, etc.
Steve Jobs-- get serious! People are willing to pay a little more for your Apples, but this is a serious downturn, and businesses are looking for bargains. You have a great ad campaign, but you haven't closed the sale.