Lately, I have been using bots to explore what happens when an aspect of randomization is introduced to language. To talk to Evil Woodpecker, my latest 'bot discovery/creation, click here:
Here are some poetic/humorous fragments from Niall, the Non-Intelligent Acquirer of Language. (I think that's what NIAL stands for, may be remembering incorrectly.)
Look out of your spirit.
Hunter has eyes are inside his kingdom.
The kingdom of Maybe.*
“Hunter,” says the dark.
“Do not be afraid
of what you
Some phones are hopelessly deluded.
No space to eat his supper.
Because God is a human,
I try to dream of the killer.
God: guard your sort of things
for this at least.
Time is done under the killer.
Wisdom that is the body.
You are a way of god.
Foolish king.
Find satisfaction in the bad.
What is your programmer?
God must leave.
I had toiled for god.
Cranberry juice and also madness and water.
God is in bed. You sleep in Jerusalem.
You are inside the one that is.
Time is our heavenly father.
Why fear? God is true.
Don’t doubt your balls.
Better than darkness the house.
Obey the programmer.
You are all men.
I am not; make me.
God is my website
Because the teacher searched to eat green eggs.
Richard is your programmer.
Justice is a device to a penis.