Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
BBC - BBC Comedy Blog: Doctor Firth saves Christmas
Is it true that some people actually don't know the chemical equation for Christmas?
Granke, I wouldn't be surprised. The last I heard, only one third of the population have even the most basic grasp of Signal Transduction, and only around 60% of those idiots can pronounce it properly. It makes me dry heave every time I think about how stupid we, as a species are becoming. What scares me the most, is that so many people out there are experimenting with Yuletide festivities, without the supervision of a qualified Christmatician. This is a great danger to us all. Not many people realise this, but Christmas effects the same part of the brain as cheap curry and prostitutes - a potentially deadly cocktail.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
something else
a bridge that is a tree
down walks a shadow
through its own path that is a man
who stands before you
something else.
down walks a shadow
through its own path that is a man
who stands before you
something else.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Extending the logic of Homo Vendens
Let's monetize everything. I will mention your goods or services during the course of my normal social interactions to other people who are doing the same to me and for me.
"I am going to go to Starbucks for a delicious cafe mocha grande where I will enjoy free T-Mobile internet on my Toshiba NB205 Netbook running Windows. Would you care to join me?"
"Certainly, lets go in my new Subaru Outback with all wheel drive and traction control. We can listen to the hit single "3" from Britney Spears now available in stores, or press my left nipple to download the mp3 file wirelessly to your Amazon Kindle."
"I am going to go to Starbucks for a delicious cafe mocha grande where I will enjoy free T-Mobile internet on my Toshiba NB205 Netbook running Windows. Would you care to join me?"
"Certainly, lets go in my new Subaru Outback with all wheel drive and traction control. We can listen to the hit single "3" from Britney Spears now available in stores, or press my left nipple to download the mp3 file wirelessly to your Amazon Kindle."
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
pedal your bike
fast as you can
find the plastic bag circling
by the chain link fence
it's just a dream,but go there anywhere.
go there just to see.
just go.
just go.
the so-called world writing its own code
it just makes it up
when you wake up, you know.
something is coming. just go.
fast as you can
find the plastic bag circling
by the chain link fence
it's just a dream,but go there anywhere.
go there just to see.
just go.
just go.
the so-called world writing its own code
it just makes it up
when you wake up, you know.
something is coming. just go.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
It's time. Old Captain, Death, lift anchor, sink!
The land rots; we shall sail into the night;
if now the sky and sea are black as ink,
our hearts, as you must know, are filled with light.
From Baudelaire's "Le Voyage", translated by Robert Lowell
It's time. Old Captain, Death, lift anchor, sink!
The land rots; we shall sail into the night;
if now the sky and sea are black as ink,
our hearts, as you must know, are filled with light.
From Baudelaire's "Le Voyage", translated by Robert Lowell
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Hieronymous Bosch with a view
Come be my student, my acolyte.
I will teach you the pathway between moments,
Show you all the spaces in between.
I speak the language of the birds;
They sing a map of time.
It shows the way out of here.
I flew away with them.
And I have seen.
Come on get up!
You gotta get higher.
Come on and get up.
The higher you are,
The closer it becomes.
What isn't darkness lights the way.
You weren't meant to be this far down.
It only feels bad,
Cause you don't belong.
The pressure pushing down--
It isn't real
The lack of air--
It isn't real.
It isn't real.
Come on get up!
You gotta get higher.
Come on and get up.
The higher you are,
The closer it becomes.
What isn't darkness lights the way.
I will teach you the pathway between moments,
Show you all the spaces in between.
I speak the language of the birds;
They sing a map of time.
It shows the way out of here.
I flew away with them.
And I have seen.
Come on get up!
You gotta get higher.
Come on and get up.
The higher you are,
The closer it becomes.
What isn't darkness lights the way.
You weren't meant to be this far down.
It only feels bad,
Cause you don't belong.
The pressure pushing down--
It isn't real
The lack of air--
It isn't real.
It isn't real.
Come on get up!
You gotta get higher.
Come on and get up.
The higher you are,
The closer it becomes.
What isn't darkness lights the way.
Monday, November 23, 2009
What Plotinus said
Withdraw into yourself and look. If you do not as yet see beauty within you, do as does the sculptor of a statue that is to be made beautified: he cuts away here, he smooths it there, he makes this line lighter, this other one purer, until he disengages beautiful lineaments in the marble. Do you this too. Cut away all that is excessive, straighten all that is crooked, bring light to all that is overcast, labor to make all one radiance of beauty. Never cease "working at the statue" until there shines out upon you from it the divine sheen of virtue until you see perfect "goodness firmly established in stainless shrine." Have you become like this? Do you see yourself, abiding within yourself in pure solitude? Does nothing now remain to shatter that interior unity, nor anything external cling to your authentic self? Are you entirely that sole true light which is not contained by space, not confined to any circumscribed form, not diffused as something without term, but ever unmeasurable as something greater than all measure and something more than all quantity? Do you see yourself in this state? Then you have become vision itself. Be of good heart,. Remaining here you have ascended aloft. You need a guide no longer. Strain and see.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Spirit is the source of energy, which flows throughout the body. There are some who listen with their inner hearing to this. They cultivate this flow, removing obstructions and occlusions, always attending that which is vital within. They are not moved by the external, though they respond appropriately to what arises Though they live among us, I think they are more like dragons that have shed the dead skin of ego.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Rearrange the letters in "Fred Meyers", you get: "F Mr Red Eyes".
Spent a lot of time this morning thinking about the paths of rain drops.
What if there was always a rain cloud, but only over your house?
Spent a lot of time this morning thinking about the paths of rain drops.
What if there was always a rain cloud, but only over your house?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Weather Report in September
Seventy-three degrees and broken clouds.
Night comes softly down.
My angels in the garden go up the darkening stair!
Night comes softly down.
My angels in the garden go up the darkening stair!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Remove Negative Karma While You Drive

Turn your car into a spiritual device. Prayer wheels spread spiritual blessings and well being.
Mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
left handed dimension

my tennis elbow seems to be turning into tennis body, at least on my right side. i'm wearing so many straps and accoutrements on my right hand, wrist and arm that i look like a cross between darth vader and a bondage fetishist. did some drawings tonight with my left hand and they looked really cool, like someone else drew them. also, i felt a lot more confident drawing with my left hand.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Live your life, OK? And it will be OK.
Live your life in happiness, even though those around you lead lives which are unhealthy, and wish to spread their illness to you. Be Happiness itself. - Buddha
Monday, June 08, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Handy Watch Repair Tip
If you're ever trying to change your watch battery, and you're having trouble getting the back plate to snap back properly, you might think that a light rap with a sledge hammer would be just the thing. Trust me; it's not.
Friday, May 01, 2009
It is, so let it be.
It is.
So let it be.
If you can just ride in your head... If you can just ride around in your head while you go anywhere
observing quietly from somewhere anytime
while you go when you go quiet or maybe you are talking
from somewhere in the back of your mind...while you go about your daily routines, observing quietly
If you can merge your awareness with its own being.
If you can accept emptiness when it comes. If you can accept awareness.
If you can be there when being empties. If you can put it up, so you can lay it down. can you trust?
If you will...
Awareness can accept what you thought was you. Then what was empty becomes full.
Then a loss and a win don't seem so different.
Then miracles happen so frequently you lose track. You win and you lose track.
You stop keeping score.
When the hurt passes through. passes through. passes through. through.
What you once thought of as you. Which once thought it was you.
Which passes through into its own pure awareness of itself being aware of its being.
When you lose track of loss. If you lose you. And win.
Then let it be.
Then let it be.
Then, bliss!
So let it be.
If you can just ride in your head... If you can just ride around in your head while you go anywhere
observing quietly from somewhere anytime
while you go when you go quiet or maybe you are talking
from somewhere in the back of your mind...while you go about your daily routines, observing quietly
If you can merge your awareness with its own being.
If you can accept emptiness when it comes. If you can accept awareness.
If you can be there when being empties. If you can put it up, so you can lay it down. can you trust?
If you will...
Awareness can accept what you thought was you. Then what was empty becomes full.
Then a loss and a win don't seem so different.
Then miracles happen so frequently you lose track. You win and you lose track.
You stop keeping score.
When the hurt passes through. passes through. passes through. through.
What you once thought of as you. Which once thought it was you.
Which passes through into its own pure awareness of itself being aware of its being.
When you lose track of loss. If you lose you. And win.
Then let it be.
Then let it be.
Then, bliss!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Oak Grove Temporal Distortion
Everyone agrees we seem to be experiencing some sort of time-contraction event. The weekend actually felt more like 1.33 days long. What this means is anyone's guess. If space is really curved, as Einstein proposed, then isn't it possible our sensory-cognitive apparatus could be dimly aware of "curved time". I'd write more on this subject, but my work day seems to be rapidly drawing to a close, and I still have loads to do.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Headache Sutra
World-Honored One, what must I do to attain liberation?
Subhuti, you have not yet grasped the bottle of spiritual Ibuprofen; much less have you twisted off its child-proof cap. Still further are you from shaking out the Immortal Pill into your Buddha palm. And further yet you are from washing it all down with the Water of Life.
Master, if I may not gain instruction from one such as You, then I must give myself up as lost!
Subhuti, you begin to understand. For who is there that seeks liberation? And where shall it be sought?
Those who believe in a path mistake the effect for the cause. They see the calming of the mind, the quelling of desire, the dispelling of Karma as a path to a state, rather than the symptoms or behaviors caused by a state or consciousness field.
Subhuti, do you know the expression, "Seek first the Kingdom of God"?
World-Honored One, this is a saying of the Christ-followers. It is from a passage that states that the things of the world will be provided to believers, but that they must seek the most important thing first, rather than pursuing the things of the world.
Subhuti, you speak rightly. Do you see the problem with seeking the fruits of attainment, rather than attending to the root? The self that you believe in seeks mastery, enlightenment, peace and other states of being, but in so doing, do you not see the flame of desire burning just as brightly?
What the Christians refer to as the Kingdom of God, we might do well to refer to as Original Mind. If one can regard the self and the phenomena of this world as a sort of dream, one can find shelter in the Kingdom of God, that quiet place that has always remained at the back of your so-called mind. We call this "Abiding in the Golden Abode of the Real."
I begin to see, World-Honored One; one does not need to study the wisdom of the ancients. It is necessary only to "stand where they stood"! The field of consciousness supplies all the rest.
Subhuti, I believed we are finished.
Subhuti, you have not yet grasped the bottle of spiritual Ibuprofen; much less have you twisted off its child-proof cap. Still further are you from shaking out the Immortal Pill into your Buddha palm. And further yet you are from washing it all down with the Water of Life.
Master, if I may not gain instruction from one such as You, then I must give myself up as lost!
Subhuti, you begin to understand. For who is there that seeks liberation? And where shall it be sought?
Those who believe in a path mistake the effect for the cause. They see the calming of the mind, the quelling of desire, the dispelling of Karma as a path to a state, rather than the symptoms or behaviors caused by a state or consciousness field.
Subhuti, do you know the expression, "Seek first the Kingdom of God"?
World-Honored One, this is a saying of the Christ-followers. It is from a passage that states that the things of the world will be provided to believers, but that they must seek the most important thing first, rather than pursuing the things of the world.
Subhuti, you speak rightly. Do you see the problem with seeking the fruits of attainment, rather than attending to the root? The self that you believe in seeks mastery, enlightenment, peace and other states of being, but in so doing, do you not see the flame of desire burning just as brightly?
What the Christians refer to as the Kingdom of God, we might do well to refer to as Original Mind. If one can regard the self and the phenomena of this world as a sort of dream, one can find shelter in the Kingdom of God, that quiet place that has always remained at the back of your so-called mind. We call this "Abiding in the Golden Abode of the Real."
I begin to see, World-Honored One; one does not need to study the wisdom of the ancients. It is necessary only to "stand where they stood"! The field of consciousness supplies all the rest.
Subhuti, I believed we are finished.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Half-Hearted Teachings, Volume 1
It's entirely possible that what you're tripping out about is completely wrong. I'd write more, but I've got to find the wart medicine.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A sickness that heals you?
I know it's going to sound weird, but I feel different today... more unified, if that makes any sense. It's as if I had to have this weird sickness break me down so I could get put together the right way again. Like I wasn't quite right before I fell ill.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
And death shall have no dominion.
Sometimes when the going gets rough and I don't know what to do, I like to jump in the backseat with my pal The Constant Observer. He is always there, sitting quietly in the back. Think I first noticed him during a bad car crash I was in. I was in panic-mode, as you might expect, but I still registered the fact that there was... this consciousness... taking it all in. I think that was the first time old C.O. ever really communicated with me, not so much the meaning, "You are crashing the car." so much as the feeling: "But don't worry about it."
So anyway, I think there are certain activities (besides car crashes) that are conducive to C.O. coming forward, and practicing music is one of them I can write about in this blog. There's something about letting the surface mind work its kinks out in the music, and then slowly relax back away from trying to accomplish anything. Then he's kind of there, like he was all along, but he was letting the temporary mind do its thing, because he's got all the time in the world, and he's not worried about a thing. If you're trying to make something happen, he's just going to let you do your thing. But there probably won't be much communication or teamwork or whatever.
I mean, it's really like C.O. is the real one, and I'm just the character he dreamed up. When the life is up, the dream is over. And I think I'm cool with that. I'm very cool with that indeed.
So anyway, I think there are certain activities (besides car crashes) that are conducive to C.O. coming forward, and practicing music is one of them I can write about in this blog. There's something about letting the surface mind work its kinks out in the music, and then slowly relax back away from trying to accomplish anything. Then he's kind of there, like he was all along, but he was letting the temporary mind do its thing, because he's got all the time in the world, and he's not worried about a thing. If you're trying to make something happen, he's just going to let you do your thing. But there probably won't be much communication or teamwork or whatever.
I mean, it's really like C.O. is the real one, and I'm just the character he dreamed up. When the life is up, the dream is over. And I think I'm cool with that. I'm very cool with that indeed.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Non-specific happiness
Is perhaps the best. Feeling like the only stuff that's real is what I learned in Sunday school at age 4. All knowledge I've acquired since then is nothing more than the internal logic of a dream that's not particularly good.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Short Story
Once upon a time, there lived a man who was convinced his life was nothing more than an average-length sentence that existed in a set of narratives.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Black Cloud
After signing the stupid tax forms, I was feeling grumpy. Actually, I was feeling grumpy before this, both in non-specific ways as well as in ways that could be attributed to specific things: unexpected news of an old friend's death, missing out on a $6,000 order, etc. So anyway, I decided that some exercise might burn the fatigue-induced adrenaline by-products polluting my body and soul.
I went on my "dream route", so named because it passes through a neighborhood I'm pretty sure I've dreamed about before ever visiting. As I ran, the fatigue from the last run a couple days ago made its presence felt pretty quickly. My run became more of a run-jog, then a jog, then a walk, then a sort of run-walk, if such a thing is possible. All the while, a black cloud drizzling rain close by would start spraying drops on me as the wind changed direction. I discovered that if I ran for 100-200 yards and then slowed to a quick walking pace, I could just keep ahead of the leading edge of this micro-weather pattern that seemed determined to follow me.
By the time I got home, I was still dry, and thankfully in better spirits. It seemed funny that the metaphor for someone being in a mental funk, i.e., with a "black cloud" hovering over their head, was on this particular evening both a metaphor and an actuality for me. Was I giving myself a sign or something? Maybe when we get into these bad spaces, it's up to us to get up and do what we can to run out from underneath the cloud?
I went on my "dream route", so named because it passes through a neighborhood I'm pretty sure I've dreamed about before ever visiting. As I ran, the fatigue from the last run a couple days ago made its presence felt pretty quickly. My run became more of a run-jog, then a jog, then a walk, then a sort of run-walk, if such a thing is possible. All the while, a black cloud drizzling rain close by would start spraying drops on me as the wind changed direction. I discovered that if I ran for 100-200 yards and then slowed to a quick walking pace, I could just keep ahead of the leading edge of this micro-weather pattern that seemed determined to follow me.
By the time I got home, I was still dry, and thankfully in better spirits. It seemed funny that the metaphor for someone being in a mental funk, i.e., with a "black cloud" hovering over their head, was on this particular evening both a metaphor and an actuality for me. Was I giving myself a sign or something? Maybe when we get into these bad spaces, it's up to us to get up and do what we can to run out from underneath the cloud?
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
You might not believe this
The following is extremely tasty late-night snack!
Take some Greek flat-bread and warm it up in the micro for 30 seconds.
Spread a little mayo on it.
Put three or four layers of raw baby spinach on top of this (make sure it is washed)
Fold it up and eat it like some kind of weird semi-healthy taco.
Take some Greek flat-bread and warm it up in the micro for 30 seconds.
Spread a little mayo on it.
Put three or four layers of raw baby spinach on top of this (make sure it is washed)
Fold it up and eat it like some kind of weird semi-healthy taco.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
majestic sameness. time viewed edge-wise, each moment immediately adjacent to me. the dream-logic of this worry world grows threadbare. I'm starting to see the way again. the way out is the way in is the way across is the way back home. doesn't disappear just because you're lost. we can be who we dreamed in the beginning. the journey only costs everything. but to get back original mind is worth the trip. at least it seems that way to me.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
From March 2003
What's interesting is how much things stay the same. The link goes to a post which was from six years ago. Could have easily written it six days ago.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
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