This was after the fund raiser for the little boy who needed a new heart.
Saw this lot filled with really old city buses, some of them with the boom on the roof that must have once connected to an overhead power supply.
What odd connections one finds between people! Felt out of sorts this afternoon, the way I do when I have a fight with my wife. Couldn't put my finger on the cause. Later, I talked with my secretary and she was having the same unsettled feelings.
I don't know how well this will come out, but I thought that it was interesting that the author's message continues to broadcast beyond her or his intended recipient.
I seemed to go a different direction. Instead of my usual judgementalism or whatever you want to call it, I heartily approved of everyone around me. I do not know why. I was in a McDonalds when it happened. It felt very light and refreshing, like the way DIET PEPSI CLAIMS to be. Later, as I drove through the meth-industrial ghetto of Oak Grove, I didn't have my usual dream of razing most of the dilapidated structures and replacing them with my own shining vision (something evocative of a paper I once read on economic clustering phenomena made me think that Oak Grove was ripe for: a hub of web application and etail developers merged with singer-songwriter musical entrepreneurship... But first we had to tear down the evil store and convince Powell's and McMenamin's to move in.)
No, instead of my usual daydream of urban renewal and economic grandeur for my adopted hamlet, I felt only a profound Taoist detatchment from my past desires. Meth people are no problem, nor is bureaucratic inertia in Clackamas County. Oak Grove was fine. I was fine. I stopped resisting and finally began to approve of thhe reality I found myself in.