
Thursday, August 31, 2006

An Indefinite Period

This was after the fund raiser for the little boy who needed a new heart.

This one isn't

This house isn't abandoned, but you sure could have fooled me!


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Lesson Number 22

this is certainly an old bus
an old bus
old buses

Lesson 1

This message was



Think I took this in early August 06. For some reason, there is a gravity to pictures of him when he is higher than ground level, especially in odd lighting.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Are you still on that bus.

Saw this lot filled with really old city buses, some of them with the boom on the roof that must have once connected to an overhead power supply.

Seen Distantly

What odd connections one finds between people! Felt out of sorts this afternoon, the way I do when I have a fight with my wife. Couldn't put my finger on the cause. Later, I talked with my secretary and she was having the same unsettled feelings.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Signal Propagation

I don't know how well this will come out, but I thought that it was interesting that the author's message continues to broadcast beyond her or his intended recipient.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Tomorrow's assignment

Please answer the following:

Name of favorite bicuspid?

Approximate level of approximation given when answering questions of this nature? (Be specific.)

Do you believe in the existence of "matter", "space", "time" and "energy"?

What is the purpose of meaning?

Did you ever see an object on the ground, say, for instance, an old rusty paperclip; and did you wonder if you would change the course of your future reality or that of any other being on this planet if you ever so slightly moved this object to the left?

Or did this consume you with a mind-numbing fear of taking action?

List of current psycho-active substances:



Thank you.


Let there be three points: A, B, C on plane P.
Is the triangle formed by segments AB BC CA the smallest shape possible that intersects these points?

Wouldn't a circle intersecting these three points be the largest shape possible?
No, because you could have a polygon with N sides, only two of which need to to pickup points A, B and C. Bastards!

Is a circle really a polygon with infinite edges? Pilar says it depends on whether a segment can be one point in length.

I don't think it can. I think that is prohibited by the whole thing about a line being shortest distance between two points. Bastards!

But what if the two points are immediately adjacent to one another?

I mean, sure, there are infinite points on any line segment, but each one must have a next-door neighbor.

So couldn't a circle just be a polygon with infinite edges formed by immediately adjacent points?

On the sub-nanoscopic scale, each portion of a circle might look something like this:


The main difference, of course, is that this slight difference in angle would be very, very, very tiny. I have exaggerated the angle it by many powers!

Every point on every circle mirrors the angle of both of its neighbors' OTHER next door neighbor. This is another way of saying that they share the same slope, I suppose.

We will return to this fascinating subject tomorrow.

For homework, please write in your blogs what today's inquiry means to your interior life. In your relationships, are there angles of incidence and reflection? In your cosmos, can you predict the movement of other beings by plotting their angles of right ascension and declination?

Ptolemy dedicated his work to studying "those things that always remain what they are"; to what do you dedicate your attention?

Saturday, August 05, 2006

A Different Way Today

I seemed to go a different direction. Instead of my usual judgementalism or whatever you want to call it, I heartily approved of everyone around me. I do not know why. I was in a McDonalds when it happened. It felt very light and refreshing, like the way DIET PEPSI CLAIMS to be. Later, as I drove through the meth-industrial ghetto of Oak Grove, I didn't have my usual dream of razing most of the dilapidated structures and replacing them with my own shining vision (something evocative of a paper I once read on economic clustering phenomena made me think that Oak Grove was ripe for: a hub of web application and etail developers merged with singer-songwriter musical entrepreneurship... But first we had to tear down the evil store and convince Powell's and McMenamin's to move in.)
No, instead of my usual daydream of urban renewal and economic grandeur for my adopted hamlet, I felt only a profound Taoist detatchment from my past desires. Meth people are no problem, nor is bureaucratic inertia in Clackamas County. Oak Grove was fine. I was fine. I stopped resisting and finally began to approve of thhe reality I found myself in.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Evening in Oak Grove

This rather ordinary summer evening in Oak Grove, Oregon brought to you by me